I had been mulling it over for a couple of years. Really, it started when I rolled the dice and applied to speak at a C.O.P.S. national conference on law enforcement wellness. I had attended the same one the year before and had also solidified many elements to my agency's wellness initiative that I had been working diligently on for the previous year or so. So, the bug was planted and I thought, "I think I could do this." I mentioned it to my better half and began to nudge me to give it a shot. So, I did. And I got it. I was chosen as a presenter at this distinguished gathering of police officers, mental health workers, and government officials. Certainly, I was stoked. But I was also intimidated. I was going to speak, as a subject matter expert on developing a wellness program for my police department, to my peers. Most cops will tell you flat out, despite our everyday interaction with the public, we hate speaking. Well, I was no different.
But I also wanted to make a difference and that was my motivation. I wanted to help push agencies, administrators, and officers into action in order to better help my brothers and sisters. For themselves. For their families and loved ones. For all of us. Because, quite frankly, too many of us were suffering and I wanted to do my part.
Little did I know that the experience was a game changer for me. I got hooked. I enjoyed being the point guy on giving out info and maybe even the catalyst for someone else to get busy with their own agency. I went on to speak at several other conferences throughout the country. Still, I wasn't satisfied with being in this holding pattern and I wanted to keep going. OK, so, what was the next step in this progression? I had been there when my love took a gamble, left her W2 gig, and started her own biz. The initial struggle was challenging. The uncertainty was real. But as she heads into her second year, she's more than made it. That was inspiring.
So, here we are. I filed the paperwork several weeks ago with the state, got established, chose a name, created a website, designed a killer logo (yes, I'm biased), and drafted the services to be provided. Yesterday, I officially let it out into the world and opened up Healing The Blue, LLC for business. Yes, it sounds familiar, but there's purpose in a name. We will be providing services to help first responder agencies jump start or enhance their wellness programs. We can provide training, we can conduct networking and partnership opportunities that will help secure elements of the program, and we can develop a website for the program that will serve as a safe, confidential online portal of resources and information. All of this in an effort to get first responders the help they need when they need it and to encourage health and wellness among those that put their lives out there to help others. Let's help them. Spread the word. If you know or are with an agency that could our assistance, please reach out. Do not hesitate. Check us out.
We are Healing The Blue.
As always, be well and be safe.