Since he was a kid, Max had wanted to be a police officer. He wanted to help people. Max worked out at the gym and, because of his gregarious personality, he was well liked and well known. He would eventually meet a young woman who was a neighbor in his condo complex. And, as April, his wife, would put it, they "fell madly in love. We never spent a day apart."
He was funny. April told me that one time he screamed “like a girl” because he stepped on a rabbit in a field in the middle of the night as he and other officers were searching for someone. I can only imagine the mileage that story got among his friends. Max was a practical joker as well. He listed a live monkey for sale on Craigslist and used another officer's number as the contact.
While on the job, Max would let his arrestee's sometimes chose the music they wanted to hear as he transported them to jail.
Max prided himself on integrity and strong morals. So, it was crushing to him when he was arrested for DUI after wrecking into a street sign. One of his lieutenants picked him up and dropped Max off in his driveway at 2:30 AM. He was devastated.
On 21 August 2016, Max Scherzer shot himself in the head. He was a husband. A father of 4 month old twins.